I have tattoos from prior to my conversion to Islam and have recently discovered that most tattoo inks include animal products such as bone char, glycerin from animal fat, gelatin and even parts of insects. Does the presence of this ink under my skin make my prayers invalid?
If a person fears that their prayer is going to be qaḍā’ soon so they skip the second surah in the first and second rak‘at to shorten their prayer. Later they find that they had enough time to recite the second surah. Do they have to repeat the prayer?
What is the ruling in the matter of cheating, lying, and deception in dealing with non-Muslims with a view to benefiting financially or scientifically?
It is claimed that fingernail polish does not create a hindrance for the wuḍū’ and that it is permissible to do wiping over transparent socks. What is your opinion?
To purify a najis carpet or the like, is it enough to apply tap water — which is connected to the city water supply pipes — to a najis area; or should the used water be extracted as well?
Q.| Is it obligatory to place the palms of our hands on our knees in the bowing position (rukūʻ) of a canonic prayer? How about a worshipper who, due to a disability or some canonically legitimate cause, cannot stand and must perform his canonic prayers while sitting down?
Can a worshipper embarking on an obligatory diurnal prayer (ṣalāt al-adāʼ) or a surely missed prayer (ṣalāt al-qaḍāʼ al-yaqīnīyyah) connect to a congregational prayer via a worshipper performing a possibly missed prayer (ṣalāt al-qaḍāʼ al-iḥtīyāṭīyyah)?
Do the rules pertaining to sanctified grounds apply to a mosque’s yard if we cannot know whether the yard was included in the original dedication (waqf) of the mosque grounds?